Tag: company culture

Harvest Time: “Reaping the Fruit of Optimal Behaviors”


Join us on Thursday, July 18, 2024 from 10:30 to 11:00 CDT (4:30 to 5:00 BST) for the sixth webinar in Humaculture, Inc.’s “Optimal Behavior: Making Optimal Behavior the Natural Choice.” You will learn why and how to apply the four Contexts and four Powers of behavior change through a review of a case example.



In this sixth and final session in our series on Optimal Behavior, we explore how to apply all the learning from the previous five webinars to reap a bountiful harvest produced by desired behaviors. To reliably achieve sustained Optimal Behavior, we consider all four Contexts – Spaces, Self, Systems, and Social. We do this by applying the Four Powers – the Powers to grow capability, inspire motivation, overcome barriers, and resist temptation – to align the influences acting on People toward supporting the change to Optimal Behavior. We will demonstrate the process of adjusting the Powers within the Contexts and the practical steps to take using a case study in the retail sector. We wrap up with the virtuous cycle that is the Change Ecosystem, showing how to reinforce Optimal Behaviors and ensure those behaviors stick. At the end of this webinar, attendees will understand how the Powers and Contexts come together to create the Four Powers behavior change framework and how that framework can be applied in practice.

“In the final analysis, change sticks when it becomes the way we do things around here.” – John P Kotter

Harvest Time Key Takeaways

Join us to learn how to apply the Four Powers model of change to reap the following fruits:

  • Confident and capable People
  • Inspired workplace
  • Agile workforce
  • People armored against distractions

Available Support

We are available to support you in your strategy, design, compliance, financial, and monitoring needs. Our team includes business and human relations leaders, finance experts, actuaries, clinicians, behavioral health experts, pharmacy experts, and legal resources to guide you through the strategy and compliance process. Please contact us: [email protected].

Webinar Replay: Social Context: “How People Influence Each Other”


Watch a replay of the fifth webinar in Humaculture, Inc.’s “Optimal Behavior: Making Optimal Behavior the Natural Choice” to learn why and how the Social Context within an Organization impacts performance and well-being and how it can be used to grow capabilities, inspire motivation, overcome barriers, and resist temptations to lead to Optimal Behavior.



In this fifth session in our series on Optimal Behavior, we explore how the Social Context influences behavior and change. To achieve Optimal Behavior, attempts to change require the support of People along the way. The powerful influence of our friends, families, colleagues, bosses, and social connections is around us all the time. In the workplace, change rarely happens unless there are early adopters who visibly engage in the new behavior for others to copy – acting as a role model for the desired Optimal Behavior. These early adopters, who are known by many names including ‘Change Agents’ or ‘Champions’, provide an energy that Inspires Motivation while demonstrating to People like them that change is possible, which builds confidence. Companies successfully moving toward Optional Behavior will connect People to build willpower and make very clear the expectations of everyone involved. Finally, new ways of behaving should be reinforced by creating a new corporate hero archetype who succeeds by demonstrating Optimal Behaviors, not others!

“It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald

Social Context Key Takeaways

Join us to learn:

  • How ineffective organizations fail to:
    • Understand the power of social connection
    • Create conditions to make connections natural
    • Reinforce the messages to keep people on track
  • How effective organizations:
    • Leverage social contagion and champions
    • Create opportunities for natural interaction
    • Celebrate early adopters and share willpower


Watch the Optimal Behavior: Social Context: “How People Influence Each Other” via Rumble or YouTube.

Available Support

We are available to support you in your strategy, design, compliance, financial, and monitoring needs. Our team includes business and human relations leaders, finance experts, actuaries, clinicians, behavioral health experts, pharmacy experts, and legal resources to guide you through the strategy and compliance process. Please contact us: [email protected].

Watch CEO’s Presentation on Strategies to Reduce Total Cost of Care

HBCH Presentation

Watch a replay of our CEO, Steve Cyboran, ASA, MAAA, FCA, CEBS, present at the Houston Business Coalition on Health on How to Reduce Total Cost of Care Through Organizational Culture. Joining him as a presenter is Ray Fabius, MD, Co-Founder and President of HealthNEXT.

Available Support

We are available to support you in your strategy, design, compliance, financial, and monitoring needs. Our team includes business and human relations leaders, finance experts, actuaries, clinicians, behavioral health experts, pharmacy experts, and legal resources to guide you through the strategy and compliance process. Please contact us: [email protected].

Webinar Replay: Effective Pruning Bears Fruit: Employee Development

Watch a replay of the third webinar in Humaculture, Inc.’s “People Development: A Humaculture® Perspective Series” to learn how to conduct Career Planning to support employee development, and why “Effective Pruning Bears Fruit” by building employee capabilities.


  • Steve Cyboran, ASA, MAAA, FCA, CEBS, actuary and strategy consultant
  • Wes Rogers, Humaculturist® and strategy consultant
  • Christi Green, RN, MS, PHR, strategy and people consultant

Employee Development Objective

We’ve talked about how to “Walk the Garden” to assess employees as well as help them develop capabilities to align with the organization’s vision, mission, and values. Now this webinar focuses on how to activate and inspire our workplace AND workforce to further grow and develop employees.  Research is abundantly clear that engaged employees help organizations succeed and bear fruit. There is no silver bullet to increase retention/reduce turnover. However, we do believe that investing in the organizational soil and the culture to nurture and support people will bear the fruits of success!

Career Planning: Employee Development Key Takeaways

During this session, participants will learn that:

  • Organizations sometimes fall into the “warm body syndrome” trap
  • Unhealthy/misaligned cultures disrupt employee development efforts
  • Career planning tends to only occur only for a select few
  • For effective employee development organizations must:
    • Hire and develop intentionally to fulfill the vision, mission, values
    • “Prune” to focus growth as well as direct energy and effort
    • “Trellis and irrigate” to support desired growth
    • Prepare for appropriate transitions

Available Support

We are available to support you in your strategy, design, compliance, financial, and monitoring needs. Our team includes business and human relations leaders, finance experts, actuaries, clinicians, behavioral health experts, pharmacy experts, and legal resources to guide you through the strategy and compliance process. Please contact us: [email protected].


Watch the Career Planning: Effective Pruning Bears Fruit: Employee Development Webinar Replay below, or via Rumble or YouTube.

Webinar Replay: Pruning the Vines – Capabilities: Prune to Encourage Growth

Watch a replay of the second webinar in Humaculture, Inc.’s “People Development: A Humaculture® Perspective Series”, to learn how to shape talent for success by “Pruning the Vines,” using capabilities to prune to encourage growth so employees to fulfill their potential and maximize alignment and productivity.


  • Steve Cyboran, ASA, MAAA, FCA, CEBS, actuary and strategy consultant
  • Wes Rogers, Humaculturist® and strategy consultant
  • Christi Green, RN, MS, PHR, strategy and people consultant

Prune to Encourage Growth Objective

This webinar explores ways organizations can “Prune to Encourage Growth” to shape talent for the future. Capabilities can be used to help organizations select the best plants, determine how best to organize them in the garden, identify strengths and weaknesses, prune away distractions (weak branches) to encourage growth and fruit production.

Key Takeaways

During this session, participants will learn that:

  • Competencies tend to be just a checklist of skills to manage
  • People that focus on everything may not be very good at anything
  • Highly skilled employees may not thrive in management or leadership
  • Effective people development:
    • Is rooted in a clear understanding of organizational vision
    • Facilitates growth, supports optimal organizational (garden) design
    • Assesses skills and needs to support strategic priorities
    • Explores the employee’s interests, abilities, and desires
    • Identifies potential for transitions, management, or leadership
    • Applies principles that work

Available Support

We are available to support you in your strategy, design, compliance, financial, and monitoring needs. Our team includes business and human relations leaders, finance experts, actuaries, clinicians, behavioral health experts, pharmacy experts, and legal resources to guide you through the strategy and compliance process. Please contact us: [email protected].


Watch the Shaping Talent for Success: Pruning the Vines – Capabilities: Prune to Encourage Growth Webinar Replay below, or via Rumble or YouTube.

Webinar Replay: Walking the Garden – Shift from Managing to Facilitating Growth

Watch a replay of the first webinar in Humaculture, Inc.’s “People Development: A Humaculture® Perspective Series”, which focuses on how to “Walk the Garden” to build employee relationships, enhance culture, and improve productivity. We discuss transforming your performance management process into one that focuses on facilitating growth and productivity.


  • Steve Cyboran, ASA, MAAA, FCA, CEBS, actuary and strategy consultant
  • Wes Rogers, Humaculturist® and strategy consultant
  • Christi Green, RN, MS, PHR, strategy and people consultant


This webinar explores ways organizations can shift traditional performance management from the dreaded once-a-year process that is focused on past performance into an on-going discussion. “Walking the Garden” builds strong relationships, keeps people aligned with the culture, helps identify issues early that may inhibit productivity, facilitates growth, prepares your next generation of leaders, and identifies opportunities for transition. This requires proper job design to ensure employees are “planted in fertile soil.”

Key Takeaways

During this session, participants will explore:

  • The pitfalls of trying to “manage performance”
  • Why traditional “performance management” is a dreaded process, often detrimental to employee relationships, culture, and productivity
  • How manager job design and span of control may limit effectiveness
  • How effective people development will:
    • Shift from “managing performance” to facilitating growth
    • Help managers and leaders learn to “walk the garden”
    • Lead to better alignment between employees’ personal/professional goals and the organization’s strategic priorities

Available Support

We are available to support you in your strategy, design, compliance, financial, and monitoring needs. Our team includes business and human relations leaders, finance experts, actuaries, clinicians, behavioral health experts, pharmacy experts, and legal resources to guide you through the strategy and compliance process. Please contact us: [email protected].


Watch the Performance Management: Walking the Garden – Shift from Managing to Facilitating Growth Webinar Replay below, or via Rumble or YouTube.

People Development: A Humaculture® Perspective Series

Please join us on the third Thursday of the month over the next six months for our upcoming People Development series. This series will focus on how to shape talent for success by “pruning the vines” as necessary. We will cover people development from the Humaculture® perspective.

In this webinar series, we explore ways organizations can rethink the traditional performance management and people development processes to make them more meaningful, impactful, and aligned with the organizational vision and strategy – focusing employees and leaders on what is truly important.

Successful horticulturists recognize the overwhelmingly positive impact of pruning. Pruning is the process of removing branches that:

  • Are not supporting the desired shape of the plant the horticulturist seeks,
  • Take energy from the plant without maximizing productivity,
  • Shade or otherwise interfere with the productivity of the other branches.

Effective pruning allows the plant to focus its energies in the most effective and productive areas. People, like plants, often expend energy and time in areas that distract them from achieving their highest and greatest purpose and contributions. In any organization, it is important to help employees remove or overcome the impediments that hold them back, and focus on the areas and interests that will really help them achieve their goals, as well as the strategic priorities of the organization. This series highlights several ways organizations can be innovative and more effective than traditional “performance management.”

The topics for the upcoming series include:

Performance Management: Walking the Garden 
June 16, 2022 – 12:00-12:30 CDTThe shift from Managing to Facilitating Growth
Shaping Talent for Success: Pruning the Vines 
August 18, 2022 – 12:00-12:30 CDTCapabilities: Prune to Encourage Growth
Career Planning: Effective Pruning Bears Fruit 
November 17, 2022 – 12:00-12:30 CDTEmployee Development
February 16, 2023 – 12:00-12:30 CDTManager Development
April 20, 2023 – 12:00-12:30 CDTLeadership Development

To view our prior Strategic Compliance series on the Hidden Opportunities within the CAA and Transparency Rules, click here.

Available Support

We are available to support you in your strategy, design, compliance, financial, and monitoring needs. To that end, our team of consultants, including actuaries, clinicians, behavioral health, pharmacy, and legal resources are available to guide you through the compliance process. Please contact us.