Tag: compliance

Hidden Opportunities, A Strategic Compliance Series

Hidden Opportunities Overview

In this webinar series we explore ways organizations can go beyond basic compliance and improve their “organizational soil” through a strategic response to the No Surprises Act and the Transparency in Coverage regulations. Our goal is to help organizations create a competitive advantage. Does it make sense to expend limited resources to merely comply with the law and regulations, or is there a way to strategically “design the compliance away” while differentiating the employee value proposition?

For example, a knowledgeable horticulturist may use the high temperatures of the summer season, which are a normal part of the environment just as law and regulation are a normal part of the business environment, to solarize the soil. This is a low cost and simple process of spreading a plastic sheet over an area of soil to trap and intensify the sun’s energy. It is a process that works well to destroy weed seeds and pathogens. Similarly, a knowledgeable Humaculturist® can employ techniques to leverage laws and regulations to strategically improve the organization. This webinar series seeks to identify some of these techniques.

The topics from the series include:

Hidden Opportunities: No Surprises Act
Surpassing Mere Compliance – Including Reference Based Pricing
Preserving the Harvest…Leveraging HSAs
Hidden Opportunities: Transparency
A “Dope” Response to Pharmacy Transparency
Mental Health Parity…A Lucid Approach
Pest Management, Minimizing Plan Losses through Fee Disclosure

Available Support

We are available to support you in your strategy, design, compliance, financial, and monitoring needs. Our team includes experts in organization design, actuarial science, clinical, and legal can guide the process to achieve optimal behavior. Please contact us.