Tag: behavior influences

Webinar Replay: Spaces Context: “Grow a Willow in a Desert? The importance of Spaces”


Watch a replay of the second webinar in Humaculture, Inc.’s “Optimal Behavior: Making Optimal Behavior the Natural Choice” to learn why spaces can hamper performance and well-being and how to design your spaces to lead to optimal behavior.



In this second session in our series on optimal behavior, we explore how spaces influence behavior. The physical space in which you work can elicit mental and physical reactions that impact positively on performance, mental wellbeing and physical health. Today, physical configuration of buildings reflects a bias toward human energy conservation—and against physical activity, thereby contributing to sedentary behavior which has been linked to nearly all costly lifestyle diseases. In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 30% of new or remodeled office buildings show signs of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and that between 10% and 30% of the occupants of these buildings are affected by SBS, e.g. lethargy.

Research further indicates that your physical space can have a positive effect of up to 22% on a range of performance indicators, such as improved concentration, focus, collaboration, learning and cognitive control (working memory, inhibition, and cognitive flexibility). Furthermore, loyalty to an organization is increasingly determined by social and place attachment.

“We shape our buildings, and afterwards, our buildings shape us.” –Winston Churchill

Shaping Spaces to Promote Optimal Behavior Key Takeaways

Join us to learn:

  • Why spaces do not support well-being and may lead to sickness
  • Why spaces hamper performance
  • Why spaces are built counter to tasks
  • How effective spaces can be designed to:
    • Support healthy behavior and choices
    • Improve innovation and performance
    • Support efficient task completion

Available Support

We are available to support you in your strategy, design, compliance, financial, and monitoring needs. Our team includes business and human relations leaders, finance experts, actuaries, clinicians, behavioral health experts, pharmacy experts, and legal resources to guide you through the strategy and compliance process. Please contact us: [email protected].


Watch the Optimal Behavior: Spaces Context: “Grow a Willow in a Desert? The importance of Spaces” via Rumble or YouTube.