Workforce Management: How Humaculture® Informs an Effective Workforce Management Strategy


  • Need to ensure compliance with ACA hours tracking, and reporting
  • Multiple colleges and departments, each with unique jobs and compensation arrangements for non benefit eligible employees
  • No central workforce management policy, hiring and schedules set by departments


  • Develop a workforce management strategy aligned with the purpose, vision, and mission of the university
  • Analyze and modify job descriptions
  • Draft a central workforce management policy followed by all departments
  • Draft policy for crediting hours for W-2 compensated assistantship appointments

Results Include

  • Improved ACA compliance
  • Improved record keeping at the department level and audit preparedness
  • Increase employee understanding and satisfaction with funding and job duties
  • Greater departmental understanding, better communications to new employees, greater employee satisfaction, etc.

The Humaculture® philosophy leads to an intentional workforce management strategy that fully supports the organizational vision and mission.