Allan Khoury, PhD
Medical Director, On-site Clinic Consultant
Professional Experience

Dr. Allan Khoury is a private consultant and advisor. In May 2019 Dr. Khoury retired as a Senior Director at Willis Towers Watson. His consulting practice included the creation of worksite health centers, health care delivery, population health improvement, and the return on investment for clinical interventions. He also led the Willis Towers Watson telemedicine practice. He participated in RFPs comparing health plans, PBMs, onsite clinic vendors and telemedicine vendors.
Dr. Khoury was formerly the Chief Medical Officer of Take Care Health Systems, a component of Walgreens Health and Wellness division. Take Care Health Systems delivered care at 380 medical centers at the worksites of large companies, and at 360 convenient care clinics within Walgreens drug stores. He also spent a year at Walgreens’ working with the analytic team to determine the ROI of the pharmacy interventions offered by the company. That included medication therapy management, influenza immunization programs, and specialty medication dispensing programs. Dr. Khoury also represented Walgreens in the creation of a pharmacist and pharmacy data support program for physicians of the Northwestern Memorial Physicians Group, a large practice affiliated with Northwestern Memorial Hospital of Chicago.
Prior to Walgreens Dr. Khoury was the Chief Medical Officer of Whole Health Management, Inc., an operator of worksite health centers.
Before joining Whole Health Management, Khoury was the Associate Medical Director for Medical Information and Clinical Innovation at Kaiser Permanente of Ohio. He created the division of Population Care Management, Prevention and Research. He was also instrumental in the development of an electronic medical records system, which won the “Davies Award of Excellence” from the Computer Based Patient Record Institute. In addition, he was the clinical lead of a Kaiser Permanente national team that created the Population Care Registry, an electronic tool to support chronic disease care. The system was deployed in four Kaiser regions with a total of 4 million members.
Education and Credentials
Dr. Khoury earned his MD from the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, his PhD in biophysics from Penn State University, his BS in Physics from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. He has been a postdoctoral fellow at Rockefeller University in New York City, and an assistant professor of molecular virology at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia. He is a consultant to Humaculture and Matrix Medical Services, a strategic advisor to HealthTap and on the Healthstat advisory board.
Dr. Khoury has been quoted in many publications and was interviewed for NPR’s “Morning Edition” and “All Things Considered” broadcasts.