Talent Development: How Performance Management impacts the Humaculture®
- An intentionally renowned medical center with 25,000 employees and an ineffective performance management process that was:
- Dreaded by employees and labor intensive
- Retrospective point-in-time evaluation
- Measurement of minimum expectations
- Established guiding principles for the performance management program
- Articulated a vision for transformation
- Tested the process with leadership and employees
Results Include
- A process designed to:
- Create an experience through a continuous conversation that inspires performance
- Develop talent for the future
- Measure against employee potential and business objectives
- Simplify experience with a social process, supportive tools, and resources
- Calibrate performance measurement across the talent pools
- Differentiate performance with well defined rating scales
- Measure behaviors and outcomes
A thriving organization requires a process focused on the business objectives, nurturing and developing the people, and differentiating performance.